Auditing can be used in either proactive or reactive modes to measure the effectiveness of operational processes or to look into particular elements of the supply chain and identify the causes of repeat damages.
Vessel Audit
With many years of experience working onboard vessels around the world, we have extensive understanding of the quality environment required whilst loading and unloading vehicles in port. We can provide a range of services from ‘On Board Attendance’ through to loading and tally services. This frees up the ship’s crew to carry out other duties related to the smooth operation of the vessel rather than the cargo.
Truck and train loading
Compared to vessels, road and rail modes of transport carry fewer vehicles per trip. This exaggerates the potential to damage because there is more variation of capability across the drivers and stevedores. With our experts in attendance, we can identify poor practice and carry out on-the-job re-training. All audits are carried out to the OEM or LSP standard.
Compound and PDI Centres
Most OEMs will have standards for the port and inland compounds and PDI centres who handle their vehicles. Following these standards we can audit and feedback against these or other standards and identify areas in need of attention. Independent auditing will ensure that the site does not become complacent and at risk of failing the manufacturers official audits. Regular audits also serve to maintain quality levels under operational conditions.
If left to self-manage, even dealers can become wise to opportunities to overcharge for unnecessary work. Reviews and site visits ensure that claims for damages are challenged and receipt inspections are carried out according to the agreed transit standard.